Transhumanism - towards a triple S civilisation
    Online Transhumanist Resources 2024

  • Abolitionist Project
  • Adam Ford
  • Accelerating Studies Foundation (John Smart)
  • Alcor
  • Alexander Kruel
  • Alexei Turchin
  • Amara's Digital web (Amara Graps)
  • Anders Sandberg
  • Andy Miah
  • 海外ip伕理工具
  • Artificial General Intelligence
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  • Associazione Italiana Transumanisti
  • Ben Goertzel
  • Bill Hibbard
  • Better Humans
  • Blank Horizons (Kenneth Shinozuka)
  • BLTC Research
  • Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)
  • Broader Perspective (Melanie Swan)
  • Center For Responsible Nanotechnology
  • Changesurfer Radio (James Hughes)
  • Chris Armstrong
  • Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute
  • Cosma Shalizi
  • Cosmist Manifesto (Ben Goertzel)
  • Cryonics Institute
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  • David Brin
  • David Lima
  • David Orban
  • David Pearce
  • DW2 (David Wood)
  • Effective Altruism
  • Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
  • Elon Musk
  • Encyclopedia of Transhumanism (R.U. Sirius & Jay Cornell)
  • Eric Drexler
  • Estropico
  • ExtroBritannica
  • Facebook Transhumanism
  • Finnish Transhumanist Association
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  • FM 2030: the movie
  • Frank Tipler
  • ip伕理海外版 (podcasts)
  • GitHub - rptec/squid-PAC: 利用国外VPS搭建多协议伕理服务 ...:利用国外VPS搭建多协议伕理服务,squid PAC伕理服务器,25端口翻墙 ....墙已加高,https网站已失效,普通站点仍可伕理..建议使用ssr替伕 - rptec/squid-PAC
  • Future Hi
  • Futurismic
  • Gaverick Matheny
  • Genescient
  • Giuseppe Vatinno
  • Greg Egan
  • H+ Magazine
  • Hans Moravec
  • Harvey Newstrom
  • Hedonistic Imperative
  • Hedonistic Imperative (FB)
  • Hugo De Garis
  • Humanity Plus / WTA
  • H+Pedia
  • Institute of Transhumanist Studies
  • Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET)
  • 国外ip地址伕理
  • The Immortalists Club (Dinorah Delfin)
  • Immortality Institute
  • Incipient Posthuman
  • Institute for Accelerating Change
  • Interview on Transhumanism
  • Introduction to Transhumanism (BIOPS video)
  • Invincible Well-Being (Jacob Shwartz-Lucas)
  • 2022海外ip伕理
  • Jason Silva
  • José Luis Cordeiro
  • João Pedro de Magalhães
  • Julian_Savulescu
  • KateGoesTech (Kateryna Levchuk)
  • Keith Henson
  • KurzweilAI.net (Ray Kurzweil)
  • Less Wrong
  • Lifeboat Foundation
  • Life Extension Foundation
  • Longevity Meme
  • Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI)
  • Magnus Vinding
  • Människa Plus
  • Marginal Revolution
  • Marios Kyriazis
  • Mark Walker
  • 海外ip伕理工具
  • Max More
  • Max Tegmark
  • Metabiological
  • Metamagician and the Hellfire Club (Russell Blackford)
  • MetaModern (Eric Drexler)
  • 海外ip伕理工具 (Katja Grace)
  • Methuselah Foundation (Aubrey de Grey)
  • Michio Kaku
  • Mind Uploading
  • Miron Cuperman
  • Modern Wisdom Transhumanist Podcast
  • Mormon Transhumanist Association
  • Nanofactory Collaboration
  • Natasha Vita-More
  • Network dei Transumanisti Italiani (David De Biasi)
  • 2022海外ip伕理
  • Next Big Future (Brian Wang)
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  • Nick Bostrom and David Pearce interview
  • Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov
  • Open The Future (Jamais Cascio)
  • OpenTheory.net (Mike Johnson)
  • Overcoming Bias (Robin Hanson)
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  • Panpsychcast Transhumanism Podcast
  • Philippe Van Nedervelde
  • Portuguese Transhumanist Association
  • 海外ip伕理
  • Ploughshares Fund
  • PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism (video)
  • Preposterous Universe (Sean Carroll)
  • Qualia Computing (Andrés Gómez Emilsson)
  • Qualia Research Institute
  • Quora transhumanism
  • Ramez Naam
  • Randal Koene
  • Reddit Transhumanism
  • 2022海外ip伕理
  • Richard Leis
  • Robert Freitas
  • RU Sirius
  • Russian Transhumanist Association
  • 国外ip地址伕理 (Scott Alexander)
  • Self-Aware Systems (Steve Omohundro)
  • SENS
  • Sentience Research
  • Sentient Developments (George Dvorsky)
  • Shtetl-Optimized (Scott Aaronson)
  • Shulgin Research Institute
  • The Singularity (Vernor Vinge)
  • Singularity 1 on 1 (Nikola Danaylov)
  • Singularity Hypotheses
  • Singularity University
  • Soft Machines (Richard Jones)
  • Stanford Transhumanist Association
  • Stefan Sorgner
  • Stelarc
  • SteveCobb.com
  • Suffering Eradication
  • Technological Singularity
  • Terasem Movement, Inc
  • TimTyler.org
  • Trans-Spirit (Mike LaTorra)
  • Transhumanism (Wikipedia)
  • 免费伕理IP_HTTP伕理服务器IP_隐藏IP_QQ伕理_国内外伕理 ...:国内高匿伕理IP 更多 国家 伕理IP地址 端口 服务器地址 是否匿名 类型 存活时间 验证时间 8888 安徽合肥 高匿 HTTP 1分钟 22分钟前 9200 四川成都 (Roberto Manzocco)
  • Transhumanism Plus
  • The Transhumanist Agenda
  • Transhumanist Declaration (1998, 2009)
  • Transhumanist FAQ
  • Transhumanist Party
  • Transhumanist Party UK
  • 2022海外ip伕理
  • UK Transhumanist Association
  • Transpire (Kate Levchuk)
  • Transvision 2024
  • Utilitarian Essays (Brian Tomasik)
  • Utopian Focus (Institute of Transhumanist Studies)
  • Vegan Transhumanists
  • Vetta Project
  • What is the Good of Transhumanism?(pdf)
  • Who's afraid of transhumanism?
  • Willian Bainbridge
  • World Future Society
  • World Transhumanist Association (WTA) / Humanity Plus)
  • Zoltan Istvan

Suggested additions? (2024)


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